Sunday, August 2, 2009

journal entry #5

1.Develop a doable daily and weekly schedule.a. Daily schedule includes time for rising in the morning, self preparations including meals/merienda, school hours, time for travel going to school, length of time staying at school, doing assignments, reviewing lessons or advance academic preparations, sports/ leisure and rest/sleeping.b. Weekly schedule includes your class schedules, appointments/meetings, academic preparation.

I wake at 5:45 in the morning if I have class. then I take a bath and dress up. After that at 6:15 I eat and after I eat I brush my teeth. After that I fix myself. At 6:30 It's time to go to school. At 6:45, I'm already in MCL. 10-15 minutes of traveling from our house. because i just live in Brgy. Pulo. At 7:00 start of my class. My dismissal is 11:30( mon-tues-thurs-sat) and 1:00(wed-fri). After our class, sometimes I hang out with my friends (tambay muna sa caf to eat). When I go home I help my mom and my tita in the store.(nagtitinda) But when I am sleepy and tired, I take a nap and rest. when I woke I eat my merienda and after that review and do my assignments. At 10:00pm I go to seep. During Sunday. I go to church to attend the Hoy Mass. After that I go home and do my assignments. After I accomplish all the things, I go to m sister's house to visit my nephew ad niece.

2. On your journal, write an essay on the theme “The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”. It describes your own experience of completing a task, given your full effort, dedication and determination. This could be about: a) masterpiece (a painting, a poem, a short story, a song composition, etc.) b) learned skills (driving, cooking, sports, playing musical instruments, and acting) c) accomplishments (reaching peak of a mountain, an invention, fixing an appliances/electronic device, finishing trainings for high school cadet officer, etc.

I was challenged when I chose to play soccer. I chose to play it because of our intramurals when I was in 2nd year HS. I don't know how to paly soccer. My friends told me that I will just kick the ball until it reaches the goal. Since we lack in practice, we lose.The next year, 3rd year me and my best friend trained and prepared for the next intramurals. We attend training after class. Five times a week, rain or shine. But we still lose because our teammates don't have much training. We were just in third place. We said that we have next year again and it is our last chance.When we were in 4th year, we also had our training together our teammates. We really prepared for it. We give all our best. And eventually, we won. I'm very happy and proud . That's the best feeling ever. Also the most memorable experience. We received gold medals. I'm very glad because the effort that we exert is very worthy. That's the most challenging thing I have ever accomplished.

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